The Southern Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club became the sixth regional Cavalier breed club when it was registered on 19 February 1979.  The Club now has over 450 members mainly resident in Hampshire, Kent, London South, Berkshire, Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex and Isle of Wight.

The Club runs three shows each year. Our Championship Show is set for the first Saturday in April. Most Club members are Cavalier owners who do not show dogs and the Club offers the following additional activities:

The Southern CKCS Welfare Organisation is run by volunteers to rescue or collect Cavaliers who need a new home (for whatever reason). The Fun Day is particularly geared to attract rescue Cavaliers.



The Committee are very sadden & shocked to learn that Ann Blackburn has suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. Ann was Treasurer of the Club, previously Vice-Chairman & long serving member of the Committee. She also worked tirelessly for the Southern Welfare & Rescue and was also their Treasurer. She will be very much missed by everyone in the Southern Club

Up Coming Events

2024 AUTUMN OPEN SHOW - Sunday 29 September 2024 (new date and venue)

Venue - Worplesdon Memorial Hall, Worplesdon, nr Guildford, GU3 3RF

Judge - Mrs R Baker (Cofton)

Schedule and entry Form Fosse Data click here

Breed Appreciation Day

Held in conjunction with Eastern Counties CKCS Society on Sunday 22nd September 2024 at Harston Village Hall Harston Cambridge. Please download flyer and booking form for full details here


The SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2025 are due on 1st January 2025

Joint £10.00 and Single £7.50   

We  had an issue with the Club bank account, in January 2023, which has now been resolved. Unfortunately any membership subscriptions paid by standing order in the first few days of January 2023 did not through and will have been returned. We are sorry for the inconvenience but please ask that you make the payment again for 2023. This will not affect the standing orders for 2024.


Please send any cheques to the Secretary, Melissa Evans, 11 South Mead, Redhill, Surrey, RH11 2EL.

Please note The Bank Details for paying Subscriptions is
Sort Code 60 11 41
Account No 34349162






If you have any comments or suggestions on this web site, please e-mail the Secretary